Nothing Compares With Him

Nothing Compares With Him

To what can we compare God? Who is like the Lord?

What you are to a paper airplane, God is to you.

Make one. Challenge it to race you around the block. Who’s faster?

Invite the airplane to a game of one-on-one basketball. Will you not dominate the court? And well you should.

The thing exists only because you formed it and flies only when someone throws it.

God asks Isaiah: “To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?” As if his question needed an answer, he gives one: I am God. I alone! I am God, and there is no one else like me.

King David marveled, “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence?” (Psalm 139:7)

You and I may have power. But God is power. No one and nothing compares with Him!

From Cast of Characters